
Bugfix release

Use FAL to load the html template in the plugin settings. If you upgrade from TYPO3 9, the template needs to be reselected in the plugin configuration. If you set the template path via TypoScript, nothing needs to be done.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2020-11-11 [BUGFIX] striphtml parameter interpretation (#6) (Commit 03ad532 by Stephan Tittel)
2020-11-06 Add pull_request_target event (Commit 2c755eb by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-31 [TASK] Rename typoscript-lint config file (Commit 4a46769 by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-31 [TASK] Add PAT to PHP CS fixer (Commit 511b2d4 by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-31 [BUGFIX] Import template via FAL (#4) (Commit 2f37215 by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-22 [TASK] Update link to documentation (Commit eaf33c8 by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-22 [TASK] Update link to documentation (Commit 243281d by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-21 [BUGFIX] Change release to master (Commit 7b25364 by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-21 Update Index.rst (Commit e6549ac by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-17 [TASK] Exclude Documentation for archive (Commit 0f9c739 by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-16 [BUGFIX] Typo in documentation (Commit 46b859d by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-16 Update issue search url (Commit f1496a3 by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-16 Add PR and issue templates (Commit a62dbcb by Simon Schaufelberger)
2020-10-16 [BUGFIX] Update README (Commit 6fddb1a by Simon Schaufelberger)

This list has been created by using git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short.