Reflection Processor

TypoScript wrapper for Reflection Service. Maps data to a simple array structure, based on the TCA configuration of the table. Also resolves all TCA-relations to other tables. The strength lies in the fast loading of already existing structures, especially when using Ajax requests or headless systems.




Contains e.g. instructions for the preparation of files and images (see Example Case).


var_dumps information which elements would be reflected.


The maximum depth at which related elements are loaded (default is 8).


Replace the current data with the result of this DataProcessor


If set, data content of row would be reflected, otherwise the current data would be used (default).


Same behavior as using row, with one important difference: To guard against endless recursions and unperformant reloading of rows, the Reflection service uses an internal store for previously loaded elements. This is store is accessable for all elements in rows. This is a huge performance gain, especially when the elements in rows are often related to the same elements.


Load order

  1. rows

  2. row

  3. current data


Tablename which should be mapped (default: tt_content) (see Example Case).


List of table columns which should be blacklisted (wildcards like "*" and "?" are useable) (see Example Case).


You don't need to blacklist core-related columns like 't3ver_oid', 't3_origuid', etc. The Reflection Service will filter them out. The 'uid' column can't be blacklisted


List of table columns to be renamed (see Example Case)


List of table columns where the prefix should be removed (see Example Case)


List of table columns which should be whitelisted (wildcards like "*" and "?" are useable) (see Example Case)

Example Case

Assuming we have want to reflect of an slider element with the following table column / TCA structure:

  • CType "slider" (located in table tt_content)

    • all default tt_content fields (header, categories, space_before_class, etc ...)

    • tx_myextension_duration (input, with eval "int")

    • tx_myextension_slides (IRRE relation to table tx_myextension_slides)

      • image (FAL with the croppings for desktop, medium, tablet, mobile)

      • headline (input)

      • descrition (RTE text)

      • link (input with link wizard)

      • categories (category tree)

Output before reflection

   'data' => [
      'uid' => 123,
      'pid' => 345,
      'categories' => 4,
      'header' => 'my slider',
      'tx_myextension_duration' => 8000,
      'tx_myextension_slides' = 3
      // ... many other system related columns
   'current' => null