Variable resolvers

Target group: Integrators, Developers


You can use variables in the common process parameters, such as summary or initiator, and in the process table fields.

Variables look like: {__variableName} or {__variableName.subKey} − in curly brackets with a double underscore at the beginning.


      identifier: JobRouterStartInstance
         handle: 'start_website_contact'
         summary: '{__LLL:EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Language/forms.xlf:demo.summary} ({__language.navigationTitle})'
         initiator: '{__correlationId}'
            name: '{preName} {lastName}'
            company: '{company}'
            email_address: '{email}'
            phone_number: '{phone}'
            message: '{message}'
            from_website: '{__language.base}'

Correlation ID

The correlation ID is generated from the form identifier and a unique key to identify associated transfers – as you can start multiple instances from one form and transmit data to a JobData table. The correlation ID is stored in a column in the transfer tables together with the form data. This is useful if you want to check the data from the instance against the original data from the form.

The correlation ID looks like this: form_demo-20_63fca23b1accb where form indicates the ID is generated by a from finisher, demo-20 is the form identifier with the content element uid of the form plugin and 63fca23b1accb is the unique key.

Use the {__correlationId} variable to add the correlation ID.

Localisation labels

Values can be localised with the help of the localisation labels known from various parts in TYPO3. The variable starts with {__LLL: and holds the path to the translation file and the according key, e.g. {__LLL:EXT:your_ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:your.label}.

If the label is not found and therefore cannot be translated the value is untouched.

You can use multiple localisation labels in one form value.

Language information

The language information defined in the Site Configuration can be used, namely:

The base URL for the language, e.g.
The language direction: ltr (left to right) or rtl (right to left).
The defined TYPO3 flag identifier used in TYPO3's backend, e.g. flags-gb.
Language tag for the language defined by RFC 1766 / 3066 for lang hreflang attributes, e.g. en-gb.
The language ID defined in the TYPO3 installation. It is the uid in the sys_language table.
The used locale, e.g. en_GB.UTF-8.
The navigation title defined in the site configuration, used as label within language menus, e.g. English.
The title defined in the site configuration, e.g. English.
The ISO-639-1 language ISO code, e.g. en.
default for English, otherwise one of TYPO3's internal language keys.

Multiple language variables can be used in one form value.

JobRouter language information

Sometimes it is necessary to use not the language code of the page in your form but instead the language string JobRouter® uses (e.g. german instead of de). This can be useful for sending localised emails from the process in the relevant language.

Use the {__jobRouterLanguage} variable for that. The following languages are supported by JobRouter® in recent version:

ISO 639-1 code JobRouter® language
ar arabic
cs czech
da danish
de german
en english
es spanish
fi finnish
fr french
hr croatian
hu hungarian
it italian
ja japanese
lt lithuanian
nl dutch
pl polish
pt portuguese
ro romanian
ru russian
sk slovak
sl slovenian
sr serbian
tr turkish
zh chinese

If the language is not available, an empty string is returned by the variable resolver.

Page properties

The properties of the page where the form is located can be retrieved. The variable starts with __page.. Any existing page property, such as uid or title, can be used, for example: {__page.title}.

If a page property is not present, the variable is used unchanged.