Target group: Developers, Integrators
Site sets (TYPO3 v13+)
This extension supports site sets introduced with TYPO3 v13.1.
Add jobrouter/
as dependency to the configuration of
your site package:
name: your-vendor/your-sitepackage
label: Sitepackage
# ... some other dependencies
- jobrouter/typo3-data
Include TypoScript sets
The extension ships some TypoScript code which needs to be included.
This needs only to be done, if not using TYPO3 v13 with site sets.
- Switch to the root page of your site.
- Switch to the Site Management > TypoScript and edit Edit TypoScript Record in the upper menu bar.
- Press the link Edit the whole template record and switch to the tab Advanced Options.
- Select JobRouter Data from the available items at the field Include TypoScript sets:
Or import the TypoScript setup file in your site package.
Content element
It is possible to adjust the CSS classes of the content element table via TypoScript:
tt_content.tx_jobrouterdata_table {
settings {
cssClasses {
# The class of the table tag
table = ce-table
# The class of table cells which should be aligned left
left = ce-align-left
# The class of table cells which should be aligned centered
center = ce-align-center
# The class of table cells which should be aligned right
right = ce-align-right
The alignment is selected when configuring the table columns.
If separate logging is necessary to track synchronisations and possible warnings or errors, you can set up log writers depending on your needs.
Example: To log all warnings and higher levels of this extension into a
separate file, add this snippet to the ext_
file of your
site package extension:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['LOG']['JobRouter']['Typo3Data']['writerConfiguration'][\Psr\Log\Level::WARNING] = [
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriter::class => [
'logFileInfix' => 'jobrouter_data'
The messages are then written to the