
Target group: Developers, Integrators

How to configure the extension. Try to make it easy to configure the extension. Give a minimal example or a typical example.

Minimal Example

  • It is necessary to include static template Glossary 2 (glossary2)

We prefer to set a Storage PID with help of TypoScript Constants:

plugin.tx_glossary2.persistence {
   # Define Storage PID where glossary records are located
   storagePid = 4

TypoScript Setup Reference


Example: plugin.tx_glossary2.settings.pidOfListPage = 23

If you have configured PID of detail page you may also configure a PID back to the list view.


Example: plugin.tx_glossary2.settings.pidOfDetailPage = 4

Set this value to a PID to modify all links in list view to another detail view. Helpful, if you have another layout on detail view.


Example: plugin.tx_glossary2.settings.templatePath = EXT:events2/Resources/Private/Templates/Glossary2.html

Default by Extension Settings: EXT:glossary2/Resources/Private/Templates/Glossary.html Default can be overwritten by foreign Extensions (API usage).

With this setting you can override the default templatePath of glossary2 and defined templatePaths coming from foreign extensions. So TypoScript settings have highest priority.

We also have implemented a more complex setting for templatePath:

plugin.tx_glossary2.settings.templatePath {
default = EXT:glossary2/Resources/Private/Templates/Glossary2.html events2 = EXT:events2/Resources/Private/Templates/Glossary2.html yellowpages2 = EXT:yellowpages2/Resources/Private/Templates/Glossary2.html


default will be used, if no templatePath for a given ExtensionKey was found.


Default: 0-9,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z

Example: plugin.tx_glossary2.settings.letters = 0-9,A,E,I,O,U

This is a list of allowed entries within the A-Z navigation above the glossary list in frontend. 0-9 is a special entry which can not be divided into single representations.


Default: 200c for width and height

Example: plugin.tx_glossary2.settings.list.image.width = 150c

Currently not implemented in Template, but if you want, you can use this setting to show one or more images with a defined width and height.


Default: 80c for width and height

Example: = 120c

If you want, you can use this setting to show one or more images with a defined width and height.


You can fine tuning the page browser

Example: plugin.tx_glossary2.settings.pageBrowser.itemsPerPage = 15 Example: plugin.tx_glossary2.settings.pageBrowser.insertAbove = 1 Example: plugin.tx_glossary2.settings.pageBrowser.insertBelow = 0 Example: plugin.tx_glossary2.settings.pageBrowser.maximumNumberOfLinks = 5


Reduce result of glossary records to this value for a page


Insert page browser above list of glossary records


Insert page browser below list of glossary records. I remember a bug in TYPO3 CMS. So I can not guarantee that this option will work.


If you have many glossary records it makes sense to reduce the amount of pages in page browser to a fixed maximum value. Instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 you will get 1, 2, 3…8, 9 if you have configured this option to 5.