
First of all: do you want to implement like_it in your own extension or do you need like_it for a foreign extension?

Own Extension

We need to add some lines of TypoScript

  1. Locate File

    Open the setup.typoscript file of your extension. In most cases you should find it in [yourExt]/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript.

  2. Locate view Part

    Find the part, where you define the template paths for fluid. In most cases you should find it here plugin.tx_[yourExt].view. See example based on maps2:

    plugin.tx_maps2 {
      view {
        templateRootPaths {
          0 = EXT:maps2/Resources/Private/Templates/
          10 = {$plugin.tx_maps2.view.templateRootPath}
        partialRootPaths {
          0 = EXT:maps2/Resources/Private/Partials/
          10 = {$plugin.tx_maps2.view.partialRootPath}
        layoutRootPaths {
          0 = EXT:maps2/Resources/Private/Layouts/
          10 = {$plugin.tx_maps2.view.layoutRootPath}
  3. Register Partial

    like_it comes with a special fluid partial containing all the stuff it needs. You have to add that partial path to your TypoScript configuration. Please replace extkey with the extension key of your extension. If your extension key contains underscores: remove them before pasting your extension key here.

    plugin.tx_extkey {
      view {
        templateRootPaths {
          0 = EXT:extkey/Resources/Private/Templates/
          10 = {$plugin.tx_extkey.view.templateRootPath}
        partialRootPaths {
          0 = EXT:extkey/Resources/Private/Partials/
          10 = {$plugin.tx_extkey.view.partialRootPath}
          20 = EXT:like_it/Resources/Private/Partials/
        layoutRootPaths {
          0 = EXT:extkey/Resources/Private/Layouts/
          10 = {$plugin.tx_extkey.view.layoutRootPath}
  4. Add Partial to Your Template

    With like_it you can just like ONE record. It's not possible to like a collection of records. So, please locate and open the template file for single or detail view of a record. Path [yourExt]/Resources/Private/Templates/ is a good start to find the templates for detail view. Could be Detail.html, Single.html or Properties.html. Search a good place to call the like_it partial:

    <f:render partial="Rating" arguments="{table: 'tablename_of_your_record', uid: object.uid}"/>
  5. Add Dependency

    As your extension now needs like_it as dependency you should add it into your ext_emconf.php:

    'constraints' => [
        'depends' => [
            'typo3' => '10.4.36-11.5.99',
            'like_it' => '2.0.0-2.99.99',
        'conflicts' => [
        'suggests' => [

    And please update your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "typo3/cms-core": "^10.4.36 || ^11.5.23",
        "jweiland/like-it": "^2.0"
  6. Done

    Now you're ready. Please test the integration, check the database entries of tx_likeit_like and check browser development console for any warnings and/or errors.

Foreign Extension

We need to add some lines of TypoScript into your site-package extension to overwrite the TypoScript of the foreign extension. We prefer using a site-package extension, but of cause, you can add these lines of TypoScript also into TypoScript template records (sys_template).

  1. Overwrite Foreign Fluid Template

    Search for a detail view template file in the foreign extension and paste it into a directory somewhere in Resources/Private/... of your site-package extension.

  2. Overwrite Template Path

    You have to inform Fluid to search for templates in path of your site-package extension first. Here an example how it can looks like for extension events2:

    plugin.tx_events2 {
      view {
        templateRootPaths {
          # Choose a value higher than the value of foreign extension.
          # In most cases 100 is enough.
          # If you're unsure check value in foreign extension or with
          # TypoScript Object Browser
          100 = EXT:site_package/Resources/Private/Extensions/Events2/Templates/
  3. Register Partial

    like_it comes with a special fluid partial containing all the stuff it needs. You have to add that partial path to your TypoScript configuration.

    plugin.tx_events2 {
      view {
        templateRootPaths {
          # see code from above
        partialRootPaths {
          # Choose a value higher than the value of foreign extension.
          # In most cases 100 is enough.
          # If you're unsure check value in foreign extension or with
          # TypoScript Object Browser
          100 = EXT:like_it/Resources/Private/Partials/
  4. Add Partial to Overwritten Template

    With like_it you can just like ONE record. It's not possible to like a collection of records. Search a good place to call the like_it partial in your overwritten detail view template:

    <f:render partial="Rating" arguments="{table: 'tablename_of_foreign_record', uid: object.uid}"/>

    For news it could look like:

    <f:render partial="Rating" arguments="{table: 'tx_news_domain_model_news', uid: newsItem.uid}"/>
  5. Add dependency

    As your site-package now needs like_it as dependency you should add it into your ext_emconf.php:

    'constraints' => [
        'depends' => [
            'typo3' => '10.4.36-11.5.99',
            'like_it' => '2.0.0-2.99.99',
        'conflicts' => [
        'suggests' => [

    And please update your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "typo3/cms-core": "^10.4.36 || ^11.5.23",
        "jweiland/like-it": "^2.0"
  6. Done

    Now you're ready. Please test the integration, check the database entries of tx_likeit_like and check browser development console for any warnings and/or errors.