All following TypoScript configuration consists in plugin.tx_maps2
Default: EXT:maps2/Resources/Private/Templates/
Example: plugin.tx_maps2.view.templateRootPaths.40 = EXT:site_package/Resources/Private/Templates/
You can override our Templates with your own SitePackage extension.
Default: EXT:maps2/Resources/Private/Partials/
Example: plugin.tx_maps2.view.partialRootPaths.40 = EXT:site_package/Resources/Private/Partials/
You can override our Partials with your own SitePackage extension.
Default: EXT:maps2/Resources/Private/Layouts/
Example: plugin.tx_maps2.view.layoutsRootPaths.40 = EXT:site_package/Resources/Private/Layouts/
You can override our Layouts with your own SitePackage extension. We prefer to change this value in TS Constants.
Default: empty
Example: plugin.tx_maps2.persistence.storagePid = 12,32,48
Set this value to a Storage Folder where you have stored the event records.
If you have stored Organizers and Locations in another Storage Folder, you have to add theses PIDs here, too.
If you use creation of events over frontend plugin, new records will be stored in first PID found in storagePid. To store record in other storage PIDs you need following configuration
plugin.tx_maps2.persistence.classes.JWeiland\maps2\Domain\Model\Event.newRecordStoragePid = 34
plugin.tx_maps2.persistence.classes.JWeiland\maps2\Domain\Model\Location.newRecordStoragePid = 543
Default: 1
Example: plugin.tx_maps2.settings.overlay.link.addSection = 0
Append URI section to link of button in consent template. Useful to jump directly to the content element record with maps2 plugin.
With option set to 1: [currentURI]/mapProviderRequestsAllowedForMaps2=1#c123
With option set to 0: [currentURI]/mapProviderRequestsAllowedForMaps2=1
Example: plugin.tx_maps2.settings.infoWindowContentTemplatePath = EXT:your_sitepackage/Resources/Templates/InfoWindowContent.html
Here you can define your own Fluid-Template for these little PopUps of Markers.
Since maps2 9.2.0 you have access to all related foreign records of your PoiCollection in Template.
Use: <f:for each="{poiCollection.foreignRecords}" as="foreignRecord">...</f:for>
As such a PoiCollection can be assigned to multiple different tables like tt_address, news, what ever, you can differ between the foreign records with f.e.:
<f:groupedFor each="{poiCollection.foreignRecords}" as="groupedForeignRecords" groupBy="jwMaps2TableName" groupKey="tableName">
<div>Table: {tableName}</div>
<f:for each="{groupedForeignRecords}" as="foreignRecord">
<li>PoiCollection URL: {foreignRecord.url}</li>
and jwMaps2ColumnName
are two special keys we have added to each foreign record.
Default: 150c
Example: plugin.tx_maps2.settings.infoWindow.image.width = 300
Set the maximum width of images within the InfoWindow PopUp
Default: 150c
Example: plugin.tx_maps2.settings.infoWindow.image.height = 180c
Set the maximum height of images within the InfoWindow PopUp
Only available for Google Maps
Default: 0
Example: plugin.tx_maps2.settings.markerClusterer.enable = 1
This value is configurable through TypoScript Constants Editor
If you work with a lot of poi collection records you can activate the marker clusterer. The marker clusterer will merge multiple poi collections to 1 icon with the contains amount of records.
Only available for Google Maps
Default: EXT:maps2/Resources/Public/Icons/MarkerClusterer/m
Example: plugin.tx_maps2.settings.markerClusterer.imagePath = EXT:my_sitepackage/Resources/Public/Icons/MarkerClusterer/m
If you don't like the icons of Marker Clusterer you can choose a different path for your own images.
As an integrator you can override each language key with TypoScript. For frontend maps2 uses this file:
Example: plugin.tx_maps2._LOCAL_LANG.de.listMyEvents = Zeige meine Veranstaltungen