E-Mail templates and configuration

Configuration per Facility


You can find all facility based “E-Mail settings” using the tab “E-Mail settings” when editing a facility in the backend.

Custom E-Mail templates

There are some more options customization options if the customization of texts is not enough for you.

Override mail fluid templates

You can override the mail fluid templates using the following constants. You can use the constant editor for it too. Important: Put those constants into Page ID 1 to override them in commands too!

plugin.tx_reserve {
  view {
    templateRootPath  = EXT:sitepackage/Resources/Private/Templates/
    partialRootPath = EXT:sitepackage/Resources/Private/Partials/
    layoutRootPath = EXT:sitepackage/Resources/Private/Layouts/

Override language labels

Sometimes it’s just a label that needs to be changed. In this case you can just override the label using TypoScript.

# override english label
plugin.tx_reserve._LOCAL_LANG.default.form.order.submit = Get your ticket!
# override german label
plugin.tx_reserve._LOCAL_LANG.de.form.order.submit = Hol dir dein Ticket!