Known Problems

I can't copy 2nd or 3rd cropVariant to all other cropVariants

Currently we only support copying the cropArea of the first cropVariant. So, you can't decide to copy the cropArea of the second or fourth cropVariant back to all other cropVariants

In our DataHandler Hook we check, if first cropArea with its ratio is allowed for all other cropVariants. If a CropVariant does not have the ratio of the first CropVariant sync_crop_areas keeps this CropVariant untouched.

Please check, if your editors have access rights to column sys_file_reference:sync_crop_area. This column is deactivated by default, so, if an editor has no rights for this column, the CropVariants can't be synchronized.

Is there an automatism to upgrade all sys_file_reference records?

If you add sync_crop_areas the first time to a project or you have added further CropVariants, you may have the problem that you have 1000s of sys_file_reference records which have CropVariants out-of-sync. Instead of opening each record and save it, you can use a CLI command or scheduler task.

Command: vendor/bin/typo3 sync_crop_areas:sync

Task: Choose Execute console commands -> sync_crop_areas:sync -> execute task once.

sync_crop_areas does not work for column of extension XY

First of all it's not the TYPO3 core itself which adds cropping feature to sys_file_reference, it's TYPO3 sysext frontend. The core initializes sys_file_reference with just title and description for all kind of files in TCA palette basicoverlayPalette. For each table in TYPO3 universe which contains a relation to sys_file_reference it is possible to overwrite the displayed columns or palettes. Sysext frontend contains the TCA for table tt_content which of cause has a relation to sys_file_reference. In its TCA it overwrite palette basicoverlayPalette to imageoverlayPalette which also contains the column crop for all image filetypes.

EXT:sync_crop_areas simply searches for crop in palette imageoverlayPalette and adds our own column sync_crop_area before crop.

Some extension authors like bootstrap_package do not make use of TYPO3 palette imageoverlayPalette. That's why column sync_crop_area is not visible. So it's up to you to add this missing column to such extensions.

You need the table name of the foreign extension and the column name where the sync_crop_areas feature is missing.

As we want to modify the TCA of one or more foreign extensions we should be sure to load the foreign extensions BEFORE your site_package. Go into


and check, if all extensions with missing sync_crop_area column is listed in section depends. Here an example for bootstrap_package:

'constraints' => [
    'depends' => [
        'typo3' => '11.5.23-12.4.99',
        'maps2' => '9.3.0-10.99.99',
        'tt_address' => '5.2.0-6.99.99',
        'bootstrap_package' => '12.0.1-12.99.99'
    'conflicts' => [],
    'suggests' => [],

Go into your SitePackage extension and create a new file:


Add following PHP block and update the variables $table and $columns to your needs.:

if (!defined('TYPO3')) {
    die('Access denied.');

call_user_func(static function () {
    // Only needed, if foreign extension author do not use
    // "imageoverlayPalette" palette from core.
    // Example for bootstrap table "tx_bootstrappackage_card_group_item":
    $table = 'tx_bootstrappackage_card_group_item';
    $columns = ['image'];
    $imgFileType = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File::FILETYPE_IMAGE;

    if (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'])) {
        foreach ($columns as $column) {
            if (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$column]['config'])) {
                $imgConfig = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$column]['config'];
                if (isset($imgConfig['overrideChildTca']['types'][$imgFileType]['showitem'])) {
                    // Add column "sync_crop_area" before "crop" column
                    $imgConfig['overrideChildTca']['types'][$imgFileType]['showitem'] = str_replace(
                        'sync_crop_area, crop',
                    $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$column]['config'] = $imgConfig;

Clear System Cache and you should be done.