
Update to version 4.0.0

Version 4.0.0 is mainly focussed on TYPO3 13 LTS related fixes.

Update to version 3.1.0

With version 3.1.0 we have removed the TypoScript access (TSFE) from VideoPreviewImageViewHelper. In our opineon all needed data should be transferred as ViewHelper arguments. That's why we have added a new argument fallbackThumbnailFile with following default value:


If you want to use your fallback thumbnail in your own fluid templates use VH as following:

<jw:videoPreviewImage fileReference="{mediaElement}" fallbackThumbnailFile="EXT:site_package/Resources/Public/Icons/FallbackIcon.png"/>

We have kept the TypoScript constant to be more compatible with earlier video_shariff versions. So, it's still possible to define a fallback thumbnail globally or on a page base:

lib.video_shariff.defaultThumbnail = EXT:video_shariff/Resources/Public/Images/DefaultThumbnail.png

The only difference is, that we made the constant available as setting in FLUIDTEMPLATE of fluid_styled_content and news:

lib.contentElement {
  settings.video_shariff.defaultThumbnail = {$lib.video_shariff.defaultThumbnail}

plugin.tx_news {
  settings.video_shariff.defaultThumbnail = {$lib.video_shariff.defaultThumbnail}

We have updated fluid templates of video_shariff already to set that new setting as argument for VideoPreviewImageViewHelper. Please make sure to also update your own fluid templates to get the new implementation working.