
If you upgrade EXT:weather2 to a newer version, please read this section carefully!

Update from 4.x to 5.0

Add TYPO3 12 Compatibility Removed older version compatibility Removed dependency with EXT:static_info_tables Removed ObjectManager usage from scheduler tasks so after upgrading the extension its better to remove the old tasks and recreate the tasks. Because the old serialized version saved in the database.

Update from 3.x to 4.0.0

Add TYPO3 11 compatibility Remove TYPO3 9 compatibility

We have removed all TYPO3 columns from ext_tables.sql. Please execute DB compare to update the database columns.

Execute Flush Cache in Maintenance section of TYPO3 to update dependency injection cache.

We require recordStoragePid as INT in weather2 scheduler task. It may happen that a call to setPid will fail, because it is not an INT. That happens because all scheduler tasks including their earlier variable types are stored serialized in scheduler. While unserializing the old type (STRING) will not match the current type (INT) anymore. So please delete that task and create that task again. Sorry, no UpgradeWizard available for that operation.

Update from 2.x to 3.0.0

Add TYPO3 10 compatibility Remove TYPO3 8 compatibility

Nothing to do.

Update from 2.x to 2.0.4

Because of a security patch of TYPO3 all of our weather2 scheduler tasks can not be unserialized anymore. For you it is not possible anymore to delete, modify or start any task as you can not open scheduler module. Further no task will be executed anymore by Cronjob. Please visit Upgrade module of TYPO3 and execute our UpgradeWizard to update our tasks in DB.

Update from 1.x to 2.x

There are breaking changes if you´re updating weather2 from 1.x to 2.x. This chapter is about how to fix those breaking changes.

  1. Update weather2 using composer or the extension manager.

  2. If you´re using composer you may need to disable and enable the extension using the extension manager or using the database analyzer to get the new database structure.

  3. Clear all caches.

  4. Open the scheduler module

  5. Edit all tasks from type Call openweathermap.org api. Directly save them after the click on edit. You don´t need to change any fields inside here.

  6. Remove all tasks from type Get regions from Deutscher Wetterdienst. They should have a red background because they no longer exist.

  7. Either create a dwd weather cell record manually OR create a task from type Get warn cell records from Deutscher Wetterdienst set it as single and execute it one time.

  8. Edit all tasks from type Get weather alerts from Deutscher Wetterdienst and select the cities/locations you want to fetch. Then save those tasks.

  9. Edit all Plugins from list_type weather2_weatheralert (Weather Alerts) and select the cities/locations you want to display. Also check out the new setting Show preliminary information.

  10. Clear frontend caches.