
Update to 3.1.0

Some little bugfixes. Add a new plugin to display statistics in frontend.

Update to 3.0.0 from a version below

Setting for storagePid (sysfolder)

Configuring the storagePid has changed. The old flexform setting storageFolder is not longer used. The TypoScript setting persistence.storagePid is the proper setting. In plugin element the core feature “Record storage Page [pages]” is used to override those setting in TypoScript. Now it’s working correct with an general storagePid in TypoScript setup and overriding those value on a special page with the plugin setting. If you use the RecordStoragePage field in plugin element, the recursive setting from plugin is active. If not, then the recursive setting from TypoScript is active.

plugin.tx_operations {
    persistence {
        storagePid = 99
        recursive = 2

It’s recommend to set this in constant editor, not directly in TypoScript setup.

Settings for images

Many settings for images are changed into media settings. They are renamed as follows:

settings.listImgWidth -> settings.listMediaWidth
settings.showImgInList -> settings.showMediaInList

Have a look at the new TypoScript setup in configuration/TypoScript/setup.txt.

Database migration for images to media

See at the Migration page in documentation. Migration

Detailed changelog with git log

Clone the github repository and use following command to get a detailed list of the commits. Replace the version number in the command (2.0.2) with the number of version you are using before updating.

git log 2.0.2..HEAD –abbrev-commit –pretty=’%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)’ –date=short

Replace the word HEAD with another version, if you want to see the commits between this two versions.