
Frontend Screenshots

Here are some screenshots of the frontend templates. Styles used from the Site Package fire department optimized for the Fluid templates in "operations".

Frontend list view with filter and pagination

Frontend list view with filter and pagination

Frontend single view of operation data

Frontend single view of operation data

Frontend list view of resources

Screenshot of a simple list of resources data in frontend

Frontend list view of vehicles

Screenshot of a simple list of vehicle data in frontend

Frontend statistic view grouped by type and year

Table and chart of operation statistics

Backend Screenshots

Here are some example data for operations and related data types, resources, vehicles, assistance. Each kind of operation data has it's own individual icon.

Operations data list in backend

List with data of operations in TYPO3 backend

Backend list of types

List with data of types in TYPO3 backend

Backend list of resources

List with data of resources in TYPO3 backend

Backend list of vehicles

List with data of vehicles in TYPO3 backend

Backend list of assistance

List with data of assistance in TYPO3 backend