General configuration

You do not have to configure anything other the templates.


Including the Foundation Framework

The extension does not ship the Foundation Zurb CSS/JS files. This way, you can choose the version you would like to have.


page.includeJSFooterlibs {
        jQuery = EXT:yourExtension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Vendor/jquery.min.js
        jQuery {
        allWrap = <!--[if gte IE 9]><!-->|<!--<![endif]-->
        forceOnTop = 1
        jqueryUI = EXT:yourExtension/Resources/Public/Vendor/jquery-ui.js
        foundationCore = EXT:yourExtension/Resources/Public/Vendor/foundation.min.js

# load older jQuery version for older browsers < IE9
    jQueryOld = EXT:yourExtension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Vendor/jquery-1.12.0.min.js
    jQueryOld {
        allWrap = <!--[if lt IE 9]>|<![endif]-->
        forceOnTop = 1
page.includeJSFooter {
        motionUi = EXT:yourExtenstion/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Vendor/motion-ui.min.js


page.includeCSS {
    foundationCss = EXT:yourExtension/Resources/Public/Css/foundation.min.css
    motionUi = EXT:yourExtension/Resources/Public/Css/motion-ui.min.css

You can find the Motion-UI library here:

Changing paths of the template.

Define on your TypoScript file the path that your templates are located.

tt_content {
foundation_reveal {
                templateRootPaths.500 = EXT:yourExtension/Resources/Private/Templates/
                partialRootPaths.500 = EXT:yourExtension/Resources/Private/Partials/
                templateName = Reveal.html