Version 3.0.0 - 2018/08/20

This release is a major release. It contains breaking changes and improves the quality of the source code. Also it introduces support for upcoming TYPO3 9 LTS and adds its own content element wizard.


Download this version from the TYPO3 extension repository or from GitHub.


  • Support for TYPO3 v9.3

  • Dedicated content element wizard


  • Use <f:image /> view helper instead of <bm:image />


  • Class \Leuchtfeuer\BmImageGallery\ViewHelpers\ImageViewHelper

  • Class \Leuchtfeuer\BmImageGallery\ViewHelpers\PropertyViewHelper

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2018-08-20 [RELEASE] Release of version 3.0.0 (Commit 3c59658 by Florian Wessels)
2018-08-20 [TASK] Introduce TYPO3 9.3 compatibility (Commit 6f81a85 by Florian Wessels)
2018-08-20 [TASK] Update composer.json file (Commit e63255c by Florian Wessels)
2018-08-20 [TASK] Use core viewhelper for displaying images (Commit 02e7a52 by Florian Wessels)
2018-08-20 [TASK] Make code TYPO3 9 compatible (Commit 3cbea88 by Florian Wessels)
2018-08-20 [TASK] Update author information (Commit 5e5d03f by Florian Wessels)
2018-08-08 [FEATURE] Introduce content wizard (Commit 8b65a17 by Florian Wessels)
2018-08-08 [TASK] Set version to 3.0.0-dev (Commit bdea161 by Florian Wessels)
2018-08-08 [TASK] Add @throws annotiation and remove obsolete code (Commit 8c0c85c by Florian Wessels)
2018-08-08 [TASK] Use inject method instead of annotation (Commit f0b7aa5 by Florian Wessels)
2018-03-15 [TASK] Set version to 2.0.3-dev (Commit c46abeb by Florian Wessels)