This is a complete example that redirects the user according to the following criteria in the following order:
Users from mainland China should be redirected to a specific URL.
Users using American English as browser language should be redirected to the US language version of the current page.
Users using German as browser language should be redirected to the German language version of the current page.
Users using French as browser language should be redirected to the French language version of another page.
All other users should be redirected to the English language version of the current page.
config.tx_locate = 1
config.tx_locate {
excludeBots = 1
sessionHandling = 1
overrideSessionValue = 1
# Simulate your IP address for countryByIP fact provider (for test purposes only), e.g. is a french IP address
simulateIp =
verdicts {
redirectToMainlandChina = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
redirectToMainlandChina.url = https://www.example.cn
redirectToUS = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
redirectToUS.sys_language = 12
redirectToDE = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
redirectToDE.sys_language = 29
redirectToPageFR = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
redirectToPageFR {
sys_language = 19
page = 89
redirectToEN = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
redirectToEN.sys_language = 0
judges {
# Users from mainland China should be redirected to a specific URL.
100 = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Judge\Condition
100 {
verdict = redirectToMainlandChina
fact = countryByIP
prosecution = cn
# Users with the American English browser language should be redirected to a specific language version of the current page.
200 = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Judge\Condition
200 {
verdict = redirectToUS
fact = browserAcceptLanguage
prosecution = en-us
# Users with the browser language German shall be redirected to the German language version of the current page.
300 = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Judge\Condition
300 {
verdict = redirectToDE
fact = browserAcceptLanguage
prosecution = de
# Users with the French browser language should be redirected to the French language version of another page.
300 = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Judge\Condition
300 {
verdict = redirectToPageFR
fact = browserAcceptLanguage
prosecution = fr
# All other users should be redirected to the English language version of the current page.
999999 = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Judge\Fixed
999999.verdict = redirectToEN
The full example is available at GitHub.