Extension TypoScript

This loader register additional TypoScript to the rendering process to describe the model in detail. All annotations are class annotations and no method annotations. Possible annotations and results are...

@db The annotation is also used by the smart object handling. If a model is tagged with @db this loader will add the following line the the TS: config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes.YOURCLASSName.mapping.tableName = target_table_with_db_annotation

@recordType The annotation is used, if the current model is part of a record type set. After the tag you have to define the record type field. The annotation generate and register in the following line of TS: config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes.YOURCLASSName.mapping.recordType = record_type_field

@parentClass The annotation is used, if the current model is part of a subclass set. After the tag you have to define the subclass name. The annotation generate and register the following TS: config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes.YOURCLASSName.subclasses.YOURClassSubclassName = YOURCLASSName


This old Mapping via TypoScript is deprecated and old. Please use the more modern Mapping via Configuration/Extbase/Persistence/Classes.php and call the Utility function in the file like ` return HDNETAutoloaderUtilityExtbasePersistenceUtility::getClassMappingForExtension('your_extension_key');`