Extension Settings

These are the available settings for mask. They can be configured via the GUI in Settings > Extension Configuration or directly in the AdditionalConfiguration.php like described in installation. If you don't change any settings, a dummy extension mask_project will be created as fallback.



Can be either json or json-split.
Defines which JsonLoader to use.
Refer to the API documentation for more information.
Default: json


Only for JsonLoader.
File with project specific mask configuration.
Mask stores the information, which is needed to generate content elements and extend page templates into one file: mask.json. With this setting you can change the path to this file.
Default: EXT:{your_sitepackage}/Configuration/Mask/mask.json


Only for JsonSplitLoader
Folder in which to save content element definitions.
Default: EXT:{your_sitepackage}/Configuration/Mask/ContentElements


Only for JsonSplitLoader
Folder in which to save backend layout definitions.
Default: EXT:{your_sitepackage}/Configuration/Mask/BackendLayouts


Page ids from where the in PageTS defined backend layouts should be loaded (comma separated).
Default: 0 (root-pid, all layouts are found)


If you want to reuse fields with different configurations between content elements this needs to be enabled
for example one dropdown field with different items per content element
Be careful using this option, it will change the structure in the JSON for storing content element information and can not be undone.
Note that Core fields are always allowed to be overridden.
Default: false (field configuration is synced between content elements)



Folder for Content Fluid Templates.
Mask generates a html file with fluid tags for each new content element. Here you can set the path to this file.
Default: EXT:{your_sitepackage}/Resources/Private/Mask/Frontend/Templates


Folder for Content Fluid Layouts.
Here you can set the path to the fluid layouts of your mask templates.
Default: EXT:{your_sitepackage}/Resources/Private/Mask/Frontend/Layouts


Folder for Content Fluid Partials.
Here you can set the path to the fluid partials of your mask templates.
Default: EXT:{your_sitepackage}/Resources/Private/Mask/Frontend/Partials



Folder for Backend Preview Templates.
Here you can set the path the fluid templates for backend previews of your content elements.
Default: EXT:{your_sitepackage}/Resources/Private/Mask/Backend/Templates


Folder for Backend Preview Layouts.
Here you can set the path to the fluid layouts of your mask backend previews.
Default: EXT:{your_sitepackage}/Resources/Private/Mask/Backend/Layouts


Folder for Backend Preview Partials.
Here you can set the path to the fluid partials of your mask backend previews.
Default: EXT:{your_sitepackage}/Resources/Private/Mask/Backend/Partials


Folder for preview images.
You can change the preview image of content elements to your preferred png image (32x32 pixel) or svg graphic.
Store them with the key of the contentelement as filename (e.g. mykey.png or mykey.svg)
Default: EXT:{your_sitepackage}/Resources/Public/Mask

Extension Manager options

Extension Configuration options in Settings > Extension Configuration