TypoScript Reference

Target group: Developers

All configuration options are available in the FlexForm or TypoScript, with the FlexForm settings taking precedence.

This chapter describes the settings which are available for EXT:fs_media_gallery. Except of setting the template paths and overriding labels of the locallang-file, the settings are defined by using plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.<property>.

View and template settings

Property Data type stdWrap Default
templateRootPaths.100 path no {$plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.view.templateRootPath}
partialRootPaths.100 path no {$plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.view.partialRootPath}
layoutRootPaths.100 path no {$plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.view.layoutRootPath}


Since TYPO3 6.2 it is possible to just override a single template file. Multiple fallbacks can be defined which makes it far easier to customize the templates.

EXT:fs_media_gallery uses key 100 pointing to the default paths of its fluid files. You can simply add overwrite paths so you only have to copy over files you want to change. All others can remain in the default location.


Please notice the ending s in templateRootPaths, partialRootPaths and layoutRootPaths.

plugin.tx_fsmediagallery {
    view {
        templateRootPaths {
            100 = {$plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.view.templateRootPath}
            200 = fileadmin/templates/ext/tx_fsmediagallery/Templates/
        partialRootPaths {
            100 = {$plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.view.partialRootPath}
            200 = fileadmin/templates/ext/tx_fsmediagallery/Partials/
        layoutRootPaths {
            100 = {$plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.view.layoutRootPath}
            200 = fileadmin/templates/ext/tx_fsmediagallery/Layouts/

Property details


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.view.templateRootPaths.100 = path

Root path for the fluid templates of the plugin.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.view.partialRootPaths.100 = path

Root path for the fluid partials of the plugin.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.view.layoutRootPaths.100 = path

Root path for the fluid layouts of the plugin.

Extbase persistence layer

Property Data type stdWrap Default
persistence.storagePid page_id or list no {$plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.persistence.storagePid}
persistence.recursive integer no {$plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.persistence.recursive}

Property details


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.persistence.storagePid = page_id or list

The Storage Folder which holds the Album Records. Multiple foldes can be set using a comma separated list.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.persistence.recursive = integer

Recursion level of the storagePid (startingpoint in flexform).
0 = no recursion (only items from Storage Folder are used)
1255 = subfolders of the Storage Folder will be used

General properties

The following table describes general settings for the plugin. They are set by plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.<property>

Property Data type stdWrap Default
allowedAssetMimeTypes list no {$plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.allowedAssetMimeTypes}
mediaAlbumsUids list no  
overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty list no {$plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty}
useAlbumFilterAsExclude boolean no 0

Property details


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty = list

Comma separated list of settings which are allowed to be set by TypoScript if the flexform value is empty.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.allowedAssetMimeTypes = list

Comma separated list of mime types (if empty, all files are included)


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.mediaAlbumsUids = list

Album selection for nestedList and randomAsset views of the plugin (see Display Mode).


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.useAlbumFilterAsExclude = boolean

0 = Show only items defined in settings.mediaAlbums
1 = Exclude items defined in settings.mediaAlbums

Properties for list view

The following table describes the settings for the list view. They are set by plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.<property>

Property details


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.thumb.width = pixels

Height of thumbnail images.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.thumb.height = pixels

Width of thumbnail images.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.thumb.resizeMode = string [m|c|s]

Defines how thumbnails in list view are scaled.
m = resize proportional; the proportions will be preserved and thus width/height are treated as maximum dimensions for the image. The image will be scaled to fit into width/height rectangle.
c = crop; the proportions will be preserved and the image will be scaled to fit around a rectangle with width/height dimensions. Then, a centered portion from inside of the image (size defined by width/height) will be cut out.
s = squeeze (unproportional exact fit); the proportions will not be preserved and the image will be unproportional scaled.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.thumb.random = boolean

If 1 (TRUE) a random album thumbnail will be shown, else the first found.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.hideEmptyAlbums = boolean

If 1 (TRUE) albums without media assets are excluded from list views. See settings.allowedAssetMimeTypes to set which files should be included.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.skipListWhenOnlyOneAlbum = boolean

If 1 (TRUE) the nested album list view is skipped if only one album is to be displayed.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.orderBy = string [datetime|crdate|sorting]

Defines how albums in list views are ordered.
datetime = Given date/time
crdate = Creation date/time
sorting = Given sort order


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.orderDirection = string [asc|desc]

Defines the sort order of albums in list views.
asc = Ascending (old to new/low to high)
desc = Descending (new to old/high to low)


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.pagination.insertAbove = boolean

Set it to 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE) to either show or hide the pagination before an album list.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.pagination.insertBelow = boolean

Set it to 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE) to either show or hide the pagination after an album list.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.pagination.itemsPerPage = positive integer

Define how many items are shown on one page.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.pagination.pagesBefore = positive integer or 0

Number of page links before the current page.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.pagination.pagesAfter = positive integer or 0

Number of page links after the current page.

Properties for album view

The following table describes the settings for the album view. They are set by plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.<property>

Property details


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.assets.orderBy = string [|name|crdate|title]

Defines the sorting of the media/fiels shown in a album.
:code:`` = When not set (empty) the file system ordering is used
name = Name of the file
crdate = Creation date/time
title = Title of the file (metadata)
content_creation_date = Content Creation Date (ext:filemetadata)
content_modification_date = Content Modification Date (ext:filemetadata)


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.list.orderDirection = string [asc|desc]

Defines the sort direction of the media/files.
asc = Ascending (old to new/low to high)
desc = Descending (new to old/high to low)


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.thumb.width = pixels

Height of thumbnail images.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.thumb.height = pixels

Width of thumbnail images.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.thumb.resizeMode = string [m|c|s]

Defines how thumbnails in album view are scaled.
m = resize proportional; the proportions will be preserved and thus width/height are treated as maximum dimensions for the image. The image will be scaled to fit into width/height rectangle.
c = crop; the proportions will be preserved and the image will be scaled to fit around a rectangle with width/height dimensions. Then, a centered portion from inside of the image (size defined by width/height) will be cut out.
s = squeeze (unproportional exact fit); the proportions will not be preserved and the image will be unproportional scaled.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.displayTitle = boolean

Set it to 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE) to either show or hide the album title.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.pagination.insertAbove = boolean

Set it to 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE) to either show or hide the pagination before an asset list.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.pagination.insertBelow = boolean

Set it to 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE) to either show or hide the pagination after an asset list.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.pagination.itemsPerPage = positive integer

Define how many items are shown on one page.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.pagination.pagesBefore = positive integer or 0

Number of page links before the current page.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.album.pagination.pagesAfter = positive integer or 0

Number of page links after the current page.

Properties for detail view

The following table describes the settings for the detail view. They are set by plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.detail.<property>

Property Data type stdWrap Default
asset.width pixels no 1920
asset.height pixels no 1080
asset.resizeMode string [m|c|s] no m

Property details


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.detail.asset.width = pixels

Height of media asset in detail view.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.detail.asset.height = pixels

Width of media asset in detail view.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.detail.asset.resizeMode = string [m|c|s]

Defines how media assets in detail view are scaled.
m = resize proportional; the proportions will be preserved and thus width/height are treated as maximum dimensions for the image. The image will be scaled to fit into width/height rectangle.
c = crop; the proportions will be preserved and the image will be scaled to fit around a rectangle with width/height dimensions. Then, a centered portion from inside of the image (size defined by width/height) will be cut out.
s = squeeze (unproportional exact fit); the proportions will not be preserved and the image will be unproportional scaled.

Properties for random view

The following table describes the settings for the random view. They are set by plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.random.<property>

Property Data type stdWrap Default
targetPid page_id no  
thumb.width pixels no 250
thumb.height pixels no 140
thumb.resizeMode string [m|c|s] no m

Property details


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.random.targetPid = page_id

Target page a random assets should link to. Select a page on which a plugin is configured to display the full album.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.random.thumb.width = pixels

Height of thumbnail images of random media assets.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.random.thumb.height = pixels

Width of thumbnail images of random media assets.


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.random.thumb.resizeMode = string [m|c|s]

Defines how thumbnails of random media assets are scaled.
m = resize proportional; the proportions will be preserved and thus width/height are treated as maximum dimensions for the image. The image will be scaled to fit into width/height rectangle.
c = crop; the proportions will be preserved and the image will be scaled to fit around a rectangle with width/height dimensions. Then, a centered portion from inside of the image (size defined by width/height) will be cut out.
s = squeeze (unproportional exact fit); the proportions will not be preserved and the image will be unproportional scaled.

Other Properties

They properties in the following table are set by plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.<property>

Property Data type stdWrap Default
features.skipDefaultArguments boolean no 1

Property details


plugin.tx_fsmediagallery.settings.features.skipDefaultArguments = boolean

Configure Extbase to skip the URI arguments for controller and action (see Skip default arguments in URIs on TYPO3 Forge).