Integration into a TYPO3


You have setup a TYPO3 installation in composer mode. See details for example at


Probably there will be a bug (I don't know why). Therefore it is recommended to open the Install Tool first:

Run the following statements in your console:

my@domain:~/workspace/TYPO3-104$ composer req netzmacher/launchstartgreen
my@domain:~/workspace/TYPO3-104$ ddev exec vendor/bin/typo3cms database:updateschema; ddev exec vendor/bin/typo3cms extension:setupactive
my@domain:~/workspace/TYPO3-104$ ddev exec vendor/bin/typo3cms cache:flush; ddev exec composer dumpautoload; ddev exec rm -rf public/typo3temp/var/cache/* public/typo3temp/var/Cache/*

If an error will occured like:

[ TypeError ] Argument 2 passed to TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule() must be of the type array, bool given, called in /var/www/html/public/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Configuration/ExtensionConfiguration.php on line 209

please reload

and flush the cache: Maintenance > Flush Cache. If you get an error, please repeat the reloading and the flushing of the cache.

Repeat the code from above:

my@domain:~/workspace/TYPO3-104$ ddev exec vendor/bin/typo3cms database:updateschema; ddev exec vendor/bin/typo3cms extension:setupactive.. code:: bash
my@domain:~/workspace/TYPO3-104$ ddev exec vendor/bin/typo3cms cache:flush; ddev exec composer dumpautoload; ddev exec rm -rf public/typo3temp/var/cache/* public/typo3temp/var/Cache/*

Next step
