
If there are trouble with the TYPO3 upgrade wizard (here: Row updater: Scan for old "<link>" syntax in richtext and text fields and update to "<a href>"), than you have to update the "<link"-syntax manually :(

Links to Quick Shop records must updated like in the sample below:

  • Proper link TYPO3 upto 7.6: <link record:tx_org_news:8671>Landesentwicklungsplan: Landrat reagiert gereizt</link>

  • Proper link from TYPO3 8.7: <a href="t3://record?identifier=tx_org_news&amp;uid=8671>Landesentwicklungsplan: Landrat reagiert gereizt</a>

Because there could be other link tags like <link file:...> or <link http:...> it is possible only to replace the first part of <link record:...> by a SQL statement but not the second part </link>. You must replace the second part manually!

If you know a preg_replace formula, please send me an e-mail, I will publish it.

tx_quickshop_products in tt_content

SELECT `uid`, `pid`, `header`, `header_link`, `bodytext`, `records`
FROM `tt_content`
WHERE `bodytext` LIKE '%<link record:tx_quickshop_products%'
OR `header_link` LIKE '%record:tx_quickshop_products%'
OR `records` LIKE '%<link record:tx_quickshop_products%'
UPDATE `tt_content`
SET `bodytext` = REPLACE(`bodytext`, '<link record:tx_quickshop_products:', '<a href="t3://record?identifier=tx_quickshop_products&amp;uid=')
WHERE `bodytext` LIKE '%<link record:tx_quickshop_products:%';
UPDATE `tt_content`
SET `header_link` = REPLACE(`header_link`, 'record:tx_quickshop_products:', 'href="t3://record?identifier=tx_quickshop_products&amp;uid=')
WHERE `header_link` LIKE '%record:tx_quickshop_products:%';
UPDATE `tt_content`
SET `records` = REPLACE(`records`, '<link record:tx_quickshop_products:', '<a href="t3://record?identifier=tx_quickshop_products&amp;uid=')
WHERE `records` LIKE '%<link record:tx_quickshop_products:%';
SELECT `uid`, `pid`, `header`, `header_link`, `bodytext`, `records`
FROM `tt_content`
WHERE `bodytext` LIKE '%<a href="t3://record?identifier=tx_quickshop_products&amp;uid=%'
OR `header_link` LIKE '%href="t3://record?identifier=tx_quickshop_products&amp;uid=%'
OR `records` LIKE '%<a href="t3://record?identifier=tx_quickshop_products&amp;uid=%'

tx_quickshop_products in tx_quickshop_products

SELECT `uid`, `pid`, `title`, `description`
FROM `tx_quickshop_products`
WHERE `description` LIKE '%<link record:tx_quickshop_products%'
UPDATE `tx_quickshop_products`
SET `description` = REPLACE(`description`, '<link record:tx_quickshop_products:', '<a href="t3://record?identifier=tx_quickshop_products&amp;uid=')
WHERE `description` LIKE '%<link record:tx_quickshop_products:%';
SELECT `uid`, `pid`, `title`, `description`
FROM `tx_quickshop_products`
WHERE `description` LIKE '%<a href="t3://record?identifier=tx_quickshop_products&amp;uid=%'