

What does it do?

Substitutes a marker string in the input content.


$MarkerBasedTemplateService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance( \Netzmacher\Refresh\Compatibility\Core\Service\MarkerBasedTemplateService::class );
$ajaxSubpartOfTheTemplate = $MarkerBasedTemplateService->getSubpart( $template, '###AJAX###' );


You can refresh your extension by find and replace.

// Code from TYPO3 6.2 to 7.6
$ajaxSubpartOfTheTemplate = $this->cObj->getSubpart( $template, '###AJAX###' );
// Code from TYPO3 6.2 to 9.x
$ajaxSubpartOfTheTemplate = $MarkerBasedTemplateService->getSubpart( $template, '###AJAX###' );

Move “$this->cObj->getSubpart” to “$MarkerBasedTemplateService->getSubpart”


What does it do?

Substitutes a marker string in the input content.


 * Substitutes a marker string in the input content
 * (by a simple str_replace())
 * @param string $content The content stream, typically HTML template content.
 * @param string $marker The marker string, typically on the form "###[the marker string]###
 * @param mixed $markContent The content to insert instead of the marker string found.
 * @return string The processed HTML content string.
 * @see substituteSubpart()
 * @access public
 * @internal #t1655
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @since 1.0.0
public function substituteMarker( $content, $marker, $markContent )


See getSubpart() above.


See getSubpart() above.


What does it do?

Substitutes a marker array in the input content.


 * Traverses the input $markContentArray array and for each key the marker
 * by the same name (possibly wrapped and in upper case) will be
 * substituted with the keys value in the array. This is very useful if you
 * have a data-record to substitute in some content. In particular when you
 * use the $wrap and $uppercase values to pre-process the markers. Eg. a
 * key name like "myfield" could effectively be represented by the marker
 * "###MYFIELD###" if the wrap value was "###|###" and the $uppercase
 * boolean TRUE.
 * @param string $content The content stream, typically HTML template content.
 * @param array $markContentArray The array of key/value pairs being marker/content values used in the substitution. For each element in this array the function will substitute a marker in the content stream with the content.
 * @param string $wrap A wrap value - [part 1] | [part 2] - for the markers before substitution
 * @param bool $uppercase If set, all marker string substitution is done with upper-case markers.
 * @param bool $deleteUnused If set, all unused marker are deleted.
 * @return string The processed output stream
 * @see substituteMarker(), substituteMarkerInObject(), TEMPLATE()
 * @access public
public function substituteMarkerArray( $content, array $markContentArray, $wrap = '', $uppercase = FALSE, $deleteUnused = FALSE )


See getSubpart() above.


See getSubpart() above.


What does it do?

Multi substitution function with caching.


 * Multi substitution function with caching.
 * This function should be a one-stop substitution function for working
 * with HTML-template. It does not substitute by str_replace but by
 * splitting. This secures that the value inserted does not themselves
 * contain markers or subparts.
 * Note that the "caching" won't cache the content of the substition,
 * but only the splitting of the template in various parts. So if you
 * want only one cache-entry per template, make sure you always pass the
 * exact same set of marker/subpart keys. Else you will be flooding the
 * user's cache table.
 * This function takes three kinds of substitutions in one:
 * $markContentArray is a regular marker-array where the 'keys' are
 * substituted in $content with their values
 * $subpartContentArray works exactly like markContentArray only is whole
 * subparts substituted and not only a single marker.
 * $wrappedSubpartContentArray is an array of arrays with 0/1 keys where
 * the subparts pointed to by the main key is wrapped with the 0/1 value
 * alternating.
 * @param string $content The content stream, typically HTML template content.
 * @param array $markContentArray Regular marker-array where the 'keys' are substituted in $content with their values
 * @param array $subpartContentArray Exactly like markContentArray only is whole subparts substituted and not only a single marker.
 * @param array $wrappedSubpartContentArray An array of arrays with 0/1 keys where the subparts pointed to by the main key is wrapped with the 0/1 value alternating.
 * @return string The output content stream
 * @see substituteSubpart(), substituteMarker(), substituteMarkerInObject(), TEMPLATE()
 * @access public
 * @internal #t1818
 * @version 1.0.2
 * @since 1.0.2
public function substituteMarkerArrayCached( $content, array $markContentArray = null, array $subpartContentArray = null, array $wrappedSubpartContentArray = null )


See getSubpart() above.


See getSubpart() above.


What does it do?

Substitute subpart in input template stream.


 * Substitute subpart in input template stream.
 * This function substitutes a subpart in $content with the content of
 * $subpartContent.
 * Wrapper for \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\HtmlParser::substituteSubpart which behaves identical
 * @param string $content The content stream, typically HTML template content.
 * @param string $marker The marker string, typically on the form "###[the marker string]###
 * @param mixed $subpartContent The content to insert instead of the subpart found. If a string, then just plain substitution happens (includes removing the HTML comments of the subpart if found). If $subpartContent happens to be an array, it's [0] and [1] elements are wrapped around the EXISTING content of the subpart (fetched by getSubpart()) thereby not removing the original content.
 * @param boolean $recursive If $recursive is set, the function calls itself with the content set to the remaining part of the content after the second marker. This means that proceding subparts are ALSO substituted!
 * @return string The processed HTML content string.
 * @access public
public function substituteSubpart( $content, $marker, $subpartContent, $recursive = 1 )


See getSubpart() above.


See getSubpart() above.