
Snippet 1 – your extension

This is an example with your extension.

Let's assume:

You extension uses URL paramter for the single view like:

  • tx_myextension_pi1[showUid]=123&tx_myextension_pi1[action]=single&tx_myextension_pi1[controller]=main

The data is stored in the table:

  • tx_myextension_items

Than the code from below will correspond with the given URL paramaters and the table:

plugin.tx_seodynamictag {
  setup {
    plugins {
      tx_myextension_pi1 {
          // csvList of the plugin parameters
        additionalParams = action, controller
          // mapping of showUids
        showUids {
          showUid = tx_myextension_items


You can't paste the code from above directly into the setup of a TypoSript record.

You MUST create an include static template by your extension like:

  • My Extension +SEO Dynamic Tag

You have to include your template above of the template of SEO Dynamic Tag like in the example:

  • ... (some templates)

  • My Extension +SEO Dynamic Tag


Sorry for this restriction.

Snippet 2 – xBlog-example

This is an example with the extension xBlog.

In the case below xBlog is using up to ten tables of the extension Organiser. Each table has its own showUid.

xBlog uses URL paramter for the single view like:

  • tx_xblog_pi1[newsUid]=7&tx_xblog_pi1[action]=single&tx_xblog_pi1[controller]=Main

  • tx_xblog_pi1[newsUid]=7&tx_xblog_pi1[action]=single&tx_xblog_pi1[controller]=Main&tx_xblog_pi1[plugin]=31148

The code from below corresponds with the given URL paramaters and the used tables:

plugin.tx_seodynamictag {
  setup {
    plugins {
      tx_xblog_pi1 {
          // csvList of the plugin parameters
        additionalParams = action, controller, plugin
          // mapping of showUids
        showUids {
          calUid        = tx_org_cal
          eventUid      = tx_org_event
          jobUid        = tx_org_job
          locationUid   = tx_org_location
          newsUid       = tx_org_news
          organiserUid  = tx_org_headquarters
          repertoireUid = tx_org_repertoire
          serviceUid    = tx_org_service
          showUid       = tx_org_news
          staffUid      = tx_org_staff