99° Helpers for Typo3 (nnhelpers)

Authors:99° + Lindner & Steffen
License:This extension documentation is published under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Creative Commons) license

Save time. Have fun.

We love Typo3.

We love extension development. And we love to solve complicated tasks.

What we don’t love:

Searching again and again for code and snippets. Looking for code that has changed from Typo3 version to version in the core and then has to be adapted in the same way over and over again in all our extensions.

We don’t like it when you have to read a long documentation for actually simple tasks or have to get into very special to sophisticated programming concepts and architectures.

In short: Simple things should stay simple. And complicated problems should be solved only once. Not over and over again with every project and every LTS update.

Over almost 6 years and 4 Typo3 versions, this extension has now grown. It has become an indispensable basic building block in Typo3 extension development at 99°. Through nnhelpers we have been able to reduce the development time of new extensions by half on average and the time of updates to new Typo3 versions by almost 80%.

The architecture of this extension and its methods and classes is maximally inspired by the wonderful work of Sascha Ende’s t3helpers extension.

Extension Manual

This documentation is for the TYPO3 extension nnhelpers.

For Contributors

You are welcome to help improve this guide. Just click on “Edit me on GitHub” on the top right to submit your change request.