
What does it do?

This extension provide an easy way to create mini-websites or duplicate a tree in the backend. For this purpose, the extension uses a model that you defined according to your own needs which can be tailored through forms.

Once the model is duplicated, the extension will automatically :

  • create associated BE/FE groups

  • set access group for created tree

  • create directories and files mount

  • add domain name

  • create site configuration

  • update TypoScript configuration (folders/pages ID and TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd)

  • update slugs for URL rewriting


The site_generator extension is highly customizable : you can remove unnecessary states and add your own states to fit your own needs.

What a model is ?

A model is a dedicated parts of TYPO3 tree with pages, content elements, plugins, templates.

You can use as many models as you want.

Sample model


Start the wizard

Start the wizard

Start the site generator wizard

Right click on a page specified by extension configuration to start the site generation process

Fill mandatory data

First form

Set the mandatory data

Select the model (if required) and set first page title

Fill optional data

Second form

Set the optional data

Set optional data (this step can be bypass with extension configuration)

Generation finished

Generation finished

Display a résumé of all steps

When the generation is finished, a résumé of all states is displayed