Upgrading from a 0.10.x release to 1.0.x

Upgrading to 1.0.x will bring you a lot of new features, but it will also mean a bit of work if you are using custom HTML templates.

Also, most of the class names and hook declarations have changed.

You should do the upgrade at a time when there are usually no new registrations as there might be some configuration check warnings on the front end until you have finished the upgrade.

  1. Make sure you are using PHP 5.5 or 5.6.

  2. Make sure you are using TYPO3 6.2.0 or greater.

  3. Temporarily uninstall seminars, onetimeaccount (if it is installed) and all extensions that use hooks or XCLASSes of seminars.

  4. Remove the ameos_formidable extension from your system.

  5. Update to the latest version of oelib and static_info_tables.

  6. If you are using custom HTML templates, make a diff between the provided templates and your templates so you know what you have changed. (You’ll need to create new templates to make use of all new features. In addition, your old templates probably will display some garbage on the front end.) Switch off your custom templates.

  7. Upgrade to the new seminars (and onetimeaccount, if needed) from the TER.

  8. Enable the seminars extension again.

  9. In the extension manager, enable the automatic configuration check for the Seminar Manager.

  10. In your site TS template, include the static extension template MKFORMS - Basics (mkforms) above the static seminars template.

  11. If your site does not use jQuery by default, also include the following static template:

    MKFORMS JQuery-JS (mkforms)
  12. The CLI runner has been replaced by a Scheduler task. If you are using the cronjob, delete it and add a Scheduler task (with the same page UID for the configuration).

  13. Run the extension’s update script in the extension manager. (Choose the option “UPDATE!” in the extension’s drop-down menu at the top. If the option is not displayed than you either have already run the update script or it is not necessary to run the update script on your installation.)

  14. Remove the contents of the typo3temp/llxml/ and typo3conf/l10n/*/seminars/ directories (if they exist).

  15. Clear all caches.

  16. Remove the FORMidable cache files in typo3temp/ameos_formidable.

  17. View all pages in the FE that contain anything Seminar Manager- related. Sign up for an event and check that everything still is working. If you encounter any errors from the automatic configuration check, fix the corresponding part of you configuration, clear the FE cache and reload the corresponding page.

  18. Check that the e-mails to the participants and the organizers still are working and still look like you want them to look.

  19. If you are using any seminars-related hooks or XCLASSES, update them to the new classes.

  20. Have a look at the new fields for event records and decide which you want to use.

  21. Play around with the configuration values hideColumns, hideFields, showRegistrationFields.

  22. When everything is working, disabled the automatic configuration check in the extension manager.

  23. The registration editor template can no longer be set via flexforms.

  24. If you are using custom HTML templates: Make a copy of the provided templates, apply your changes from the diff, enable the custom templates and test them.

  25. Now you’re finished. Or you could start playing with the new features …