Many feature ideas still are unimplemented. Feel free to provide code
or pay for the author’s time.
The seminar hours are displayed without a unit, e.g. “17:00” instead
of “17:00 h”.
All registrations (paid and unpaid) are counted for the seminar
In some cases, the list view in the front-end plug-in may be empty. Do
Check that all seminars lie within the configured time window for the
list view (the default is current and upcoming events). Events without
a begin date/time always appear as an upcoming event.
It doesn’t work to have the seminar manager and the online
registration on the same page (you will get an error message in the
registration plug-in). Do this:
Put them on separate pages and set plugin.tx_seminars_pi1.listPID
and plugin.tx_seminars_pi1.registerPID.
All non-empty changes at the flexforms of the plug-in overwrite the
settings of the corresponding TS setup. Empty data in the flexforms
don’t overwrite non-empty data from the TS setup.
The search in the list view covers pretty most of what is visible in
the single view except for the payment methods (this is intended).
If the maximum upload file size in PHP is set to a lower value than
the one in TYPO3, the FE editor does not show an error message if one
tries to upload a too large file.