setup a dedicated test environment
make yourself familiar with Varnish and how you want to implement Varnish in your specific setup. A good starting point is the great Varnish book available at
Varnish has to be up and running. There is a sample configuration in Resources/Private/Example/default.vcl
requests to all static files should send appropriate expires headers
set reverseProxyIP to the IP address which is used by Varnish to connect to your Webserver
Install this extension
by default, TYPO3 sends BAN commands to Varnish to the hostname which is used by the current backend session. If your Varnish server listens at another address you can change this through the extension configuration.
use Varnish debbuging tools, e.g. varnishlog
enable debug mode by the extension configuration (requires 3rd party TYPO3 developer log extension, e.g. "devlog")