
This chapter describes some configuration options of the ats extension to let you integrate it easily.

TypoScript Configuration

Plugin Constants

Path Description Default
Storage PID
plugin.tx_ats.persistence.storagePid The default storagePid for jobs and users. none
plugin.tx_ats.settings.includeJQuery The plugin needs jQuery to work properly. Set this to true if you do not already include jQuery in your site. false
plugin.tx_ats.settings.loginPage Page ID where FE Users can log in. If a user tries to access the application form without being logged in, the plugin will redirect to this page. none
plugin.tx_ats.settings.applicationPage Page ID for the job list view –> job single view link. If none is set, the current page is used. none
plugin.tx_ats.settings.feUserGroup The ID of the FE Usergroup all applicants belong to. none
plugin.tx_ats.settings.allowedStaticLanguages Applicants can select which languages they speak. With this option, you can limit the available options to a set of static_languages uids. Should be a comma-separated list such as 12,30,33. If not set, all languages are shown. none
plugin.tx_ats.settings.defaultCountry Which country should be selected by default in the application country field? (ISO3, for example DEU for germany) none
plugin.tx_ats.settings.defaultNationality Which country should be selected by default in the application nationality field? (ISO3, for example DEU for germany) none
plugin.tx_ats.settings.policyPage Page ID where your privacy policy is found. The page is linked in the first step of the form where the user has to accept privacy settings. none
plugin.tx_ats.settings.renderStructuredJobDefinitions If enabled, the default job template contains JSON-LD markup. Use the tab “Structured Data” inside the job edit form to fill in values. 0 (false)

Module Constants

storagePid, see above. If the extConf option enableLegacyBackendTS is enabled, this setting is inherited from the plugin configuration. Otherwise you have to set it (module.tx_ats.persistence.storagePid).

Module Settings

If the extConf option enableLegacyBackendTS is enabled, all settings are inherited from the plugin configuration and should be set there.

Setting Path Description Default
deadlineTime module.tx_ats.settings.deadlineTime The deadline time defines when applications are marked as “deadline exceeded”. It reads as “seconds after the jobs endtime is reached”. The default is 2 weeks. 1209600 (2 weeks)
ratingOptions module.tx_ats.settings.ratingOptions All options available for application rating and personell rating are listed here. You can add your own rating options, see the ATS default TS for examples. Array of options

Cleanup Settings

These settings determine the age (measured by creation date) of users and unfinished applications to be considered for deletion:

Setting Path Description Default
Lifetime of unfinished applications module.tx_ats.settings.cleanup.unfinishedApplicationsLifetime Lifetime (starting at creation date) of unfinished applications. 30 days
Lifetime of inactive users module.tx_ats.settings.cleanup.inactiveUsersLifetime Lifetime of inactive users. Defines when users are considered inactive and should be deleted (measured by last login). 2 years


ATS uses symfony/workflow ( to manage when and how applications change their state. Its documentation applies for the overall principle (places and transitions) with some specialization:

  • Available places are defined by the ApplicationStatus enumeration (see class Application\ApplicationStatus). You should not modify these.
  • Available transitions are defined via WorkflowManager (see class Workflow\WorkflowManager) and reflect available actions in the Backend\ApplicationController. Each time the corresponding controller action is called, the defined status change in the transition will be applied.

Example configuration (ext_localconf.php in your site extension):

//Define custom workflow
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ats']['workflows']['your-workflow'] = [
        'places' => \PAGEmachine\Ats\Application\ApplicationStatus::getConstants(),
        'transitions' => [
                'submit' => ['from' => ApplicationStatus::INCOMPLETE, 'to' => ApplicationStatus::NEW_APPLICATION],
                'acknowledge' => ['from' => ApplicationStatus::NEW_APPLICATION, 'to' => ApplicationStatus::DEPARTMENT],
                'employ' => ['from' => ApplicationStatus::DEPARTMENT, 'to' => ApplicationStatus::EMPLOYED],
                'edit' => ['from' => [], 'to' => []],

//Activate the workflow
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['ats']['activeWorkflow'] = 'your-workflow';

This configuration would define the following workflow:

  • Once the application is submitted by the applicant, it receives the status New Application and is now visible in the backend.
  • It needs to be acknowledged and will then be moved to the Department status.
  • Finally, it moves to Employed with the employ action.
  • The edit action is always available and does not trigger a status change.

All other actions will not appear in the backend module until you add them to your workflow.

File upload options

You can configure how file uploads in the application form should behave. The options include location (storage and/or folder), allowed file types and the conflict behaviour (what if the file already exists with this name?).

Configuration options can be found in the extension manager settings (tab Advanced).