
Basic Usage

You can use the extension by calling functions on the ConfigurableDataProvider class or through view helpers in your Fluid templates.

Using the ConfigurableDataProvider

The Pixelant\PxaDataProvider\Domain\DataProvider\ConfigurableDataProvider class can be used in your own extensions.

It is a singleton instance that defaults to using the TypoScript configuration, although you can choose to override it by supplying a different configuration to the constructor.

Example: Retrieving an instance of the ConfigurableDataProvider object with default settings from TypoScript:

$dataProvider = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(

Example: Retrieving an instance of the ConfigurableDataProvider object with custom settings:

$dataProvider = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(

Retrieving data: The object has two public functions:

//Returns an array with data for a single object
$dataArray = $dataProvider->dataForObject($object);

//Returns an array with data for multiple objects in an array
$dataArray = $dataProvider->dataForObject($arrayOfObjects);

Both functions return array data formatted in the same way:

    <key> => [
            <property> => <value>,

View Helpers

You can use the extension’s view helpers in your Fluid templates, either inline or as tags.


<dp:provider.json object="{userObject}" />

Will output the same as:


Two View Helpers

There are two view helpers with the same available arguments.

provider.array View Helper

This viewhelper outputs a PHP array and can be used for further processing.

<f:for each="{dp:provider.array(object:userObject)}" key="objectType" as="objects">
    <f:for each="{objects}" as="object">

provider.json View Helper

This viewhelper outputs a JSON array and can be used for transfer to JavaScript.

<div data-gtm="{dp:provider.json(object:userObject)}">
   <!-- More HTML -->

Will output:

<div data-gtm="{&quot;user&quot;:[{&quot;uid&quot;:123,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;John Doe&quot;}]}">
   <!-- More HTML -->