Legacy Installation

Legacy plugins

These plugins that are in this section are marked as legacy due to the fact that it is not SEO friendly! Note that these are still supported and will continue to be so!

System folder

Create one system folder (sys folder) for the products, categories, filters, attributes and attribute sets.

Add the clear cache command in the Page TSConfig of the sysfolder:

TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd = <comma separated page uid of product single and list view>

Product List View

This is the main list view. It could show just a list of product or together with navigation bar depends on flexform settings. This view has a lot of settings which help user to control plugin output. If product single view page and storage is not set by TS you will need to set it in plugin settings.

Product list view.

Product Single View

Product single view page can be created as a special separate page with single view plugin mode. By default List view product page is Single view at same time. List view will switch to single view automatically.

Product single view.