Administrator Manual


Install the extension via the Extension Manager or composer as usual.


The extension requires a working linkhandler configuration for ext:news. See example in the documentation of ext:news.

Accessing social networks

To access the API of the social networks, you need to retrieve access tokens. The necessary steps are described below. The tokes are required in order to have working tasks.


Steps to retrieve the necessary tokens to access Twitter:

  1. Go to

  2. Create a new app and fill in the necessary details.

  3. On the app management page select the Tab "Keys and Access Tokens".

  4. Press "Create my access tokens".

  5. Copy the according values into the task configuration.

Scheduler Task Configuration

  1. Select the Scheduler module and add a new task.

  2. Select the class of the task (all available tasks are grouped under rx_scheduled_social).

  3. Enter the scheduler information (run frequency/start/stop time). For more details read the Scheduler documentation.

  4. Enter the login tokens, the necessary information depends on the site that is the target of the task.

  5. Enter the identifier of the linkhandler configuration to use.

  6. Enter task specific configuration options.

Publish News Task


News Detail PID

Data type



The page id with the news plugin that displays the detail page.

Required / Example

Yes / 1


News storage PID list

Data type

comma-separated list of uids


If specified only news posts from the given storage ids (and children of the specified ids) are posted.

Required / Example

No / 5,6


Category ID list

Data type

comma-separated list of uids


If specified only news posts from the given categories (and child categories of the specified ids) are posted.

Required / Example

No / 5,6


Sharing the same news post on two different accounts from the same platform is currently not supported

Fetch Followers Task


Twitter Screen Name

Data type



The screen name of the Twitter account.

Required / Example
