Users Manual

Target group: Editors

Go to the page you want to insert the plugin and add a new content element; you can find the download manager plugins in the "special elements" section of the new content element wizard.

collection subfolder

Add new content element

Add new content element with the wizard


  1. Add a subfolder for the file collections and the download counter, e.g "My file collection"

collection subfolder

Collection subfolder

Add a subfolder for the file collections and the download counter


  1. Add file collections to the subfolder

Create file collections in folder

Create file collections in folder

Create file collections in the added subfolder

Adding files

Adding files

Adding files to a file collection

Adding description

Adding description

Adding a description to a file collection


  1. Insert the download manager plugin(s)

Insert plugin

Insert plugin

Insert one or multiple plugins on the page you want to have the output


4a. Configure the list view

List view

List view

Configuration of the list view


4b. Configure the top downloads view

Top downloads view

Top downloads view

Configuration of the top downloads view


4c. Configure the file search

Top downloads view

Top downloads view

Configuration of the top downloads view


  1. Add keywords to the files

Add keywords to a file

Add keywords

Add keywords to the files (separated by whitespaces), to add more content to search for (needs extension "typo3/cms-filemetadata" installed). The default search is only for the title of the file.


Select the records or single file collections to display

Select single file collections to display or select a folder or page with file collections. The number of downloads will also stored in this page or folder. If this is not set, the data will be saved on the page where the plugin is placed.

Select file collections

Select file collections

How to select file collections or folders with file collections


Is it possible to set the ordering of the collections?

Yes, since version 1.0.1. Please use the sorting option in TYPO3 backend to order your collections in a folder. If you have selected single file collections, you can order them in the plugin field.

Get help

If there are any other questions, please contact me ( or write an issue/request on Github.