Configuration Reference

Here you will find a short overview over the TypoScript options.

Target group: Administrators

TypoScript Reference

Overwrite the template path or the default storage page id and change the default css like you want it:

plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager {
  # configure the path for the templates here
  view {
    templateRootPaths {
      0 = EXT:reint_downloadmanager/Resources/Private/Templates/
      1 = {$plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager.view.templateRootPath}

    partialRootPaths {
      0 = EXT:reint_downloadmanager/Resources/Private/Partials/
      1 = {$plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager.view.partialRootPath}

    layoutRootPaths {
      0 = EXT:reint_downloadmanager/Resources/Private/Layouts/
      1 = {$plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager.view.layoutRootPath}

  # configure a default storage pid here
  persistence {
    storagePid = {$plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager.persistence.storagePid}

  # configure settings for the extension here
  settings {
    # use redirecting to the file instead of a download header for all files
    redirecttofile = {$plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager.settings.redirecttofile}
    # add the modification date when redirecting to file
    addfiletstamp = {$plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager.settings.addfiletstamp}
    # Include JavaScript for file search
    includedefaultjs = {$plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager.settings.includedefaultjs}

plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager_dmlist < plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager
plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager_dmlist.templateName = List

plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager_dmtopdownloads < plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager
plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager_dmtopdownloads.templateName = Topdownloads

plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager_dmfilesearch < plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager
plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager_dmfilesearch.templateName = Filesearch

plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager.settings.redirecttofile = 1 (default: 0)

Makes it possible to redirect to the file after tracking the download, so the browsers default behaviour is used for the file. The default setting is false, so all files will be downloaded automatically.

plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager.settings.addfiletstamp = 0 (default: 0)

When redirecting to file (redirecttofile = 1) is set, it is possible to add the change date as param to the file, to reload in browsers like IE when file was changed.

plugin.tx_reintdownloadmanager.settings.includedefaultjs = 1 (default: 1)

As default a JS file is included which uses jQuery Mobile for a simple search. File could be removed with this option or in the Fluid template.

Extension settings

There are two options in the "Admin Tools" -> "Settings" --> "Extension Configuration" area.

config.disableDefaultPageTs (default: false)

This allows to disable including the default PageTS for the content elements of the extension. If disabled the PageTS has to be down by your own.

config.disableDefaultPlugin (default: true)

The old and deprecated plugin with the Switchable Controller Actions (selectbox with the option to select the output) is now disabled by default. With this option it is possible to enable it again. Please use the migration wizard to migrate old list plugins to the new content elements.