
How is the extension configured? Aim to provide simple instructions detailing how the extension is configured. Always assume that the user has no prior experience of using the extension.

Try and provide a typical use case for your extension and detail each of the steps required to get the extension running.

Typical Example

  • Does the integrator need to include a static template?

  • For example add a code snippet with comments

Minimal example of TypoScript:

  • Code-blocks have support for syntax highlighting

  • Use any supported language

plugin.tx_myextension.settings {
   # configure basic email settings
   email {
      subject = Some subject
      from =

TypoScript Reference

Possible subsections: Reference of TypoScript options. The construct below show the recommended structure for TypoScript properties listing and description.

When detailing data types or standard TypoScript features, don't hesitate to cross-link to the TypoScript Reference as shown below.

See Links & cross referencing for information about how to use cross-references.

See the Settings.cfg file for the declaration of cross-linking keys.