Custom Framework configuration

If you don’t use Bootstrap or you need to customize the prepared grid ratio then you have to change the grid.json file. Following steps will describe how to do it.

Copy Grid.json

Copy the Grid.json to your resources folder. The Grid.json is located in: Resources/Private/Grid/Grid.json

Make your changes

Make your changes in your own Grid.json file.


Please note that the main structure remains the same.

    "cols": [
                    "onecol": [
            "label": "",
            "class": [
        "twocol": [
            "label": "",
            "class": [
        "threecol": [
            "label": "",
            "class": [
        "fourthcol": [
            "label": "",
            "class": [

    "row": [
        "class": ""

Change extension settings

The next step will be change the path of Grid.json in the extension settings. This you will find in TYPO3 backend.

Extension Settings

Clear cache

Clear all cache and be happy with your customized grid