
Create File Storage

  • Go to list module and choose PID 0 (Rootpage with TYPO3 logo in front).
  • Create a new record of type File Storage
  • On tab General choose a name like Dropbox
  • On tab Configuration you have to choose the Dropbox driver

Driver Configuration

To communicate over the Dropbox-API you need an Access Token.

  1. Create an App API at
  2. Copy App Key and App Secret
  3. Get Access Token from developer area of or you can create an access token with help of the wizard you can reach over GetAccessToken
  4. Save the record

Create API at

  • Go to Developer area of
Find Dropbox Link for Developer area
  • Create new Dropbox App
Create Dropbox App
  • Step 1: Choose API Choose Dropbox Api
Choose Dropbox API
  • Step 2: Choose App type I prefer to choose App folder, so in case of a security break no one can access files outside of your App folder.
  • Step 3: Give it a name There are some rules regarding the name. For example the word Dropbox can not be part of the name.
Choose type
  • Click on Create App
  • Copy App key and App secret and insert them into the wizard of the TYPO3 driver configuration.
Get App key and App secret

Start Driver Wizard

While editing the File storage click on GetAccessToken to start the wizard. Paste in the App Key and App Secret from Dropbox App explained above. Click on Get AuthCode Link

Insert app key and app secret

On the next page you have to click on the authorization link which will open a new tab where you have to give access to your Dropbox App.

Copy the AuthCode from Dropbox page into the AuthCode field of the Wizard.

Get Access Toekn from Dropbox

With a click on Get AccessToken a further request to will start in the background. On success the Access Token will automatically inserted in File Storage record and the wizard will close.

Save the record. On success we show you some user data.

Connection successfully



At the bottom of the Configuration tab you will find the option: Folder for manipulated and temporary images etc. If you keep the default, all temporary images will be transferred over the Dropbox-API which is very slow. So it would be good to move that special folder to a folder on a fast file storage. Set this to 1:/_processed_/ if your fileadmin file storage has the UID 1.