For Editors

Target group: Editors

Libconnect is easy to use.


Add the plug-in DBIS. Now you can choose with “Output” the output with the following options:

  • Top databases
  • List
  • Detail view
  • Sidebar - search form
  • Search form
  • New in DBIS

Every entry change the other available options.

Top databases

It generates a list with the top databases of a subject.

Subject: Choose a subject.

Detail page: Choose a detail page.

output as list

Configuringg the list for top databases.


Generates a list of datbases and links to the detail page. It is also used for search results.

Detail page: Choose a detail page.

Sort: Choose the sort by database type, name, access type.

Access information : Choose which access information texts are displayed, long or short form.

output as list

Configuring the output as list.

Detail view

Shows the details of a database. Here is nothig to set.

output as detail view

Set output for detail view.

Search form

This is an extended search form.

List view: set page with dbis plug-in with output as list.

output as sidebar

Configuring the seach form.

New in DBIS

It generats a list with all new databases. You decide how long is a database new.

Detail page: Choose a detail page.

Sort: Choose the sort by database type, name, access type.

How How many days are entries marked as new? (default: 7): set the number of days for “Neu in DBIS” how long entries marked as new.’

Access information: Choose which access information texts are displayed, long or short form.

output as list with new entries

Configuring the list for new entries.


Add the plug-in EZB. Now you can choose with “Ausgabe” the output with the following options:

  • List
  • Detail view
  • Sidebar - search form
  • Search form
  • New in EZB
  • Selection of participate institutions, which offer full access.
  • Contakt

Every entry change the other available options.


Generates a list of journals and links to the detail page. It is also used for search results.

Detail page: Choose a detail page.

output as list

Configuring the output as list.

Detail view

Shows the details of a journal.

List view : set page with ezb plug-in with output as list.

Page with form for selection of participate institutions, which offer full access.: Set page with output of “Auswahl Teilnehmer die Vollzugriff bieten”. On this page, the visitor get a form of libraries with full access to this yournal. If you don´t want a page with this output, let it empty and the detail page generates a link to the form of the website

output as detail view

Set output for detail view.

Sidebar - search form

This is a search bar to use on top or as sidebar.

List view : set page with ezb plug-in with output as list.

Page with detailed search : set page with search.

How How many days are entries marked as new? (default: 7): set the number of days for “New in ezb” how long entries marked as new.

New in EZB: set page with the “Neu in EZB”. Generates a link to “Neu in EZB” with number of new entries. If you choose a subject in list, you get new entries for this subject too. If you donn´t want to use this feature, let it empty.

output as sidebar

Configuring the sidebar plug-in.

Search form

This is an extended search form.

List view: set page with dbis plug-in with output as list.

output as sidebar

Configuring the seach form.

New in EZB

It generats a list with all new journals. You decide how long is a journal new.

Detail page: Choose a detail page.

How How many days are entries marked as new? (default: 7): set the number of days for “Neu in EZB” how long entries marked as new.’

output as list with new entri

Configuring the list for new entries.

Selection of participate institutions, which offer full access.

Creates a for of libraries with full access to this yournal. The visitor choose the library and will be redirected to their page on

output as list with new entries

Configuring the list for new entries.


Shows the contact information which are set on Here is nothig to set.