
There are two ways to install the Google Ads for TYPO3 integration, using composer or manually downloading the extension from the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER).

For using composer, please use this command: composer require t3g/google-ads.

For downloading the extension from the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER), please use this link:

Install and activate the extension. You will now find the GOOGLE ADS module in your module list.


You have to either disable any kind of AdBlocker or whitelist the URL of the TYPO3 installation.

Also please inform your editors that the extension will not work when an AdBlocker is active.

The following steps have to be taken as an administrator or an editor user with permissions to modify the tx_googleads_* tables and with access to Google Ads sub modules:

Storage Folder

First, find a place for the storage folder to reside in your page tree. Once the folder is created navigate to the folder’s properties and go to the behaviour tab. Select Google Ads Storage for the field Contains Plugin.


The storage folder needs to be accessible for editors creating ads. Please make sure it is in the intended database mount.