
Create a new ad

To create a new ad a user can use one of different entry points:


Not all pages are supported for ad creation. By default, only pages with dokType 1 (default pages) are allowed. This means e.g. for folders and other page types the following entry points do not exist. As an administrator you can add more dokTypes (e.g. own types, or types from extensions like blog post type from EXT:blog by extending the array of allowed types: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['google_ads']['createAd']['allowedPageDokTypes'][] = \T3G\AgencyPack\Blog\Constants::DOKTYPE_BLOG_POST; // 137


At this time of development, only pages can be used as targets for ads. This means, you can create ads for regular landing pages or for your blog, if you enabled this page type as described above. But you can not use a record based target, so single tx_news articles can not serve as an Google Ads target.

Context Menu

In the context menu you find the entry "Create ad"

In the context menu you find the entry “Create ad”

Button in Page module

In the page module you find the button "Create ad"

In the page module you find the button “Create ad”

Button in Edit page record

In the page edit view you find the button "Create ad" as well

In the page edit view you find the button “Create ad” as well

Button in List module

In the list module you find the button "Create ad"

In the list module you find the button “Create ad”

The create form

If you have found the way into the create form you will see for example the following form. Some of the fields will be pre-filled with data from the page where you started, but you can change anything you like.

First part of ad-create form with input for text and headlines, as well as preview for mobile and desktop

First part of ad-create form with input for text and headlines, as well as preview for mobile and desktop

Part of ad-create form with keyword suggest wizard and input fields for keywords.

Part of ad-create form with keyword suggest wizard and input fields for keywords.

Part of ad-create form with input for location targeting. Define countries and / or radius locations in any amount.

Part of ad-create form with input for location targeting. Define countries and / or radius locations in any amount.

Part of ad-create form with ad extensions to enrich the ad with additional information.

Part of ad-create form with ad extensions to enrich the ad with additional information.

Part of ad-create form with input schedule targeting. Define in detail when your ad will be shown to customers.

Part of ad-create form with input schedule targeting. Define in detail when your ad will be shown to customers.

Part of ad-create form with input for budget and Submit button.

Part of ad-create form with input for budget and Submit button.

Pause a running campaign

In the campaign module you'll find the pause button

In the campaign module you’ll find the pause button

Resume a paused campaign

In the campaign module you'll find the resume button

In the campaign module you’ll find the resume button

Delete an ad

In the campaigns detail view you'll find the delete button

In the campaign detail view you’ll find the delete button

Message Center

The message center is the place where messages created during operations will be displayed. Messages can be read, (un)marked as read and deleted. The detail can be opened by clicking on a message. The top bar of the TYPO3 backend contains a menu item that lists all unread messages and links each message to its detail view.

Messages are created on Google Ads for TYPO3 and delivered to the TYPO3 instance initiating the operation. This does not necessarily happen in real time. A delay up to 10 minutes is common.

Overview of all messages

Overview of all messages

Mark message as read

Button to mark a message as read

Button to mark a message as read

Mark message as unread

Button to mark a message as unread

Button to mark a message as unread

Delete a message

Button to delete a message

Button to delete a message

Detail view

Detail view of a message

Detail view of a message

Top bar menu item

Top bar menu item listing all unread messages

Top bar menu item listing all unread messages