

The extension needs to be installed as any other extension of TYPO3 CMS:

  1. Switch to the module “Extension Manager”.
  2. Get the extension
    1. Get it from the Extension Manager: Press the “Retrieve/Update” button and search for the extension key hubspot and import the extension from the repository.
    2. Get it from You can always get a current version from by downloading either the t3x or zip version. Upload the file afterwards in the Extension Manager.
    3. Use composer: Use composer require T3G/hubspot.

Latest version from git

You can get the latest version from git by using the git command:

git clone



Hubspot authentication is done via ENV vars (APP_HUBSPOT_PORTALID and APP_HUBSPOT_SECRET). You need to know your Hubspot Portal-ID and API key.

How to get your API key

By clicking on your username in the upper right hand corner, you will find the menu item “Integrations”. Here you can generate a new API key. Hubspot allows you to generate only one API key at a time. This means that each and every integration and application share this one key. The key belongs to a specific installation and not to an individual user.

How to find your Portal ID

You can find your Hubspot Portal ID in the upper right hand corner, after logging into your account. It is labelled “Hub ID”.

How to set up your authentication secrets

The authentication secrets are set via environment variables. You can easily do this inside your .htaccess file:

# Add your own rules here.
SetEnv TYPO3_CONTEXT Development
SetEnv APP_HUBSPOT_SECRET 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012

When working in composer mode there is the popular package “dotenv-connector” from Helmut Hummel, which makes it possible to set environment variables for composer projects:

composer require helhum/dotenv-connector

Add TypoScript and the static template

Before using the Hubspot extension you need to include the static extension template. Go to the Template module and open your main TypoScript template. Click on “Edit the whole template record” and switch to the “Includes” tab. Go to the “Include static (from extensions)” section and add the template “Hubspot Integration (hubspot)” from the list of available items.

To include the Page TSConfig you need to switch to the Page module, select your top level page and edit the page properties. You can also find the available template “Hubspot Integration (hubspot)” in the available list of items. You can add it to the “Include Page TSConfig (from extensions)” list by simply clicking it.

You are now ready to use the hubspot extension!

Backend Module

The hubspot extensions provides a backend module for administrators. You can find it in the module menu at Admin Tools > Hubspot Integration. The backend module contains two sub-modules: Forms and CTAs. Both work the same way: They display which pages and content elements (non-deleted) currently contain hubspot elements. You are able to switch to the content element itself or directly edit the form in Hubspot. In order for it to work, you have to be logged into Hubspot.