EXT: Timezones

Description:Manages timezones in your website
Keywords:extbase timezone datetime l18n
Author:Thomas Hucke
License:Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Rendered:2022-04-03 10:40

Thanks to Ralph Schuster who initially created this extension and finally agreed transferring it to me.

Important changes

Starting with support for TYPOIII v11 plugin actions have been separated into their own plugins. Before there was only one plugin pi1 defined which incorporated all actions (index, show, select). In the backend those actions could have been chosen via flexform after the plugin was selected.

Starting with Timezones v3.1.0 this behaviour is only supported but deprecated. The current plugin in the backend has been renamed to:

Deprecated element type "Insert plugin"

Deprecated content element type Insert plugin

All users are encouraged to switch their content elements to the new plugins:

  1. Replacement for former Index plugin action

    Replacement for former "Index" plugin action

    Replacement for former Index plugin action

  2. Replacement for former Show plugin action

    Replacement for former "Show" plugin action

    Replacement for former Show plugin action

  3. Replacement for former Select plugin action

    Replacement for former "Select" plugin action

    Replacement for former Select plugin action

Support welcome

Please support this extension by doing some translations.

Just check Crowdin if you’re interested. If it happens that your favorite language is missing, please don’t hesitate to contact the extension author asking to activate it.