CLI Script

You migrate the location and organizer data by a CLI script.


Run all needed migration scripts:

vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
  --configuration EXT:migration_cal2ttaddress/Configuration/Migration.php \
  --dryrun 0

If you want to measure the duration, run the code from above with a prefixed time:

time vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
  --configuration EXT:migration_cal2ttaddress/Configuration/Migration.php \
  --dryrun 0


dryrun is true by default.

Test all

Run all migration scripts – data and plugins – without any execution (dryrun):

vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
  --configuration EXT:migration_cal2ttaddress/Configuration/Migration.php

Test for a special folder

Run all migration scripts for the page/folder with the id 160 only and without any execution (dryrun):

vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
  --configuration EXT:migration_cal2ttaddress/Configuration/Migration.php \
  --limitToPage 160 \
  --recursive 0

Test records from tx_cal_location only

Run the migration script for tt_news records only without any execution (dryrun):

vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
  --configuration EXT:migration_cal2ttaddress/Configuration/Migration.php \
  --key location2address

Test records from tx_cal_organizer only

Run the migration script for tt_news records only without any execution (dryrun):

vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
  --configuration EXT:migration_cal2ttaddress/Configuration/Migration.php \
  --key organizer2address