

Migration is running with static ids for all Organiser tables!

If you like, you can migrate data of a selected table/key only.


The name of a script is defined by the property key. These keys are available:

  • tt_news

  • tt_news_cat

  • tt_news_cat_mm

  • tt_news_related_mm

  • sys_file_reference__tt_news

  • sys_file_reference__tt_news_cat


Data will migrated from tt_news to tx_org_news.

Uids will kept. Therefore, the table tx_org_news will truncated before migration.

If you want to know which fields are being migrated, please take a look at the code of

  • Classes/Migration/Importer/NewsImporter.php


Data will migrated from tt_news_cat to tx_org_newscat.

Uids will kept. Therefore, the table tx_org_newscat will truncated before migration.

If you want to know which fields are being migrated, please take a look at the code of

  • Classes/Migration/Importer/CatImporter.php


Data will migrated from tt_news_cat_mm to tx_org_mm_all.

Uids will kept. Therefore, all records that have the property _migrated_table = 'tt_news_cat_mm' will deleted.

If you want to know which fields are being migrated, please take a look at the code of

  • Classes/Migration/Importer/MmCatImporter.php


Data will copied in sys_file_reference, where tablenames is tt_news.

Before copying all records that have the properties _migrated_table = 'sys_file_reference' and tablenames = 'tx_org_news' will deleted.

If you want to know which fields are being migrated, please take a look at the code of

  • Classes/Migration/Importer/NewsFileReferenceImporter.php


Data will copied in sys_file_reference, where tablenames is tt_news_cat.

Before copying all records that have the properties _migrated_table = 'sys_file_reference' and tablenames = 'tx_org_newscat' will deleted.

If you want to know which fields are being migrated, please take a look at the code of

  • Classes/Migration/Importer/CatFileReferenceImporter.php


dryrun is true by default.

Test all tt_news records

Run the migration script for tt_news records only without any execution (dryrun):

vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
  --configuration EXT:migration_ttnews2orgxblog/Configuration/Migration.php \
  --key tt_news

Special folder, table tt_news only

Run migration script "news" for the page/folder with the id 160 only and without any execution (dryrun):

vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
  --configuration EXT:migration_ttnews2orgxblog/Configuration/Migration.php \
  --key tt_news \
  --limitToPage 160 \
  --recursive 0

Run all tt_news records

Run the migration script for tt_news records only:

vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
  --configuration EXT:migration_ttnews2orgxblog/Configuration/Migration.php \
  --key tt_news \
  --dryrun 0