
New records to be handled by this extension can be added in the setup. For instance, if we have installed the extension faq, we know that its records are stored in the table tx_faq_domain_model_question, and that in the table tt_content the fields CType and list_type of its plugins have these values:

  • CType = list

  • list_type = faq_faq

Adding this to the setup:

plugin.tx_w4communitynet {
   settings {
      records {
            6 {
               table = tx_faq_domain_model_question
               where {
                  // CType="list" AND list_type="faq_faq"
                  1 {
                     field = CType
                     is = eq
                     to = list
                  2 {
                     field = list_type
                     is = eq
                     to = faq_faq

after modifying any faq record the extension will find the pages that contain a faq plugin and clear their caches.