
The extension is configured in Settings > Extension Configuration > Configure extensions:





Cloud name

Your Cloudinary account name

API key

Cloudinary API key

API secret

Cloudinary API secret





Process image on the fly

If checked, images will be uploaded to Cloudinary immediatelly after something has been done with them in the Filelist : uploaded, renamed, or moved. Also, if deleted it will be immediatelly deleted in Cloudinary. If not checked, a task has to be scheduled to update Cloudinary with the images added, modified or deleted after its previous run

Responsive by JavaScript

If checked, the src of the images will be dinamically set via JavaScript, and Cloudinary will serve an image optimized for each device

Send the invalidate flag for all image operations

If checked, when an image has been updated Cloudinary will clear its cache (usually files are cached for 30 days)

Separated by semicolon, user ip addresses for which Cloudinary won't be active

List of ip addresses for which this extension won't do anything

Force images to be delivered in this format

By default auto (Cloudinary will deliver the images in webp format), but if desired it can be changed to png, jpg or gif

Scheduled task

If images are not processed on the fly, a task of the class "Upload images to Cloudinary" has to be scheduled:


The task will update Cloudinary with any changes occurred in the Filelist after its previous run.