Quick templating in Fluid

EXT:w4_organization_list is using Fluid as templating engine. Copy the Fluid templates that you want to adjust to your sitepackage extension.

You find the original templates in EXT:w4_organization_list/Resources/Private/Templates/ and the partials in EXT:w4_organization_list/Resources/Private/Partials/. Never change these templates directly!

To override the standard w4_organization_list templates with your own you can use the TypoScript constants to set the paths:

TypoScript constants
plugin.tx_w4organizationlist {
   view {
      templateRootPath = EXT:mysitepackage/Resources/Private/Extensions/News/Templates/
      partialRootPath = EXT:mysitepackage/Resources/Private/Extensions/News/Partials/
      layoutRootPath = EXT:mysitepackage/Resources/Private/Extensions/News/Layouts/

Add these lines to the file EXT:mysitepackage/Configuration/TypoScript/constants.typoscript in your sitepackage.