
Target group: Developers, Integrators

To use this extension you have to specify the URL of your Jira installation and the ID of the provided service desk in the extension configuration.

The ticket management is handled by a backend user. To use this extension, you have to enter the e-mail address and password registered in Jira in the corresponding backend user.

Typical Configuration

Example of TypoScript Configuration:

# cat=basic//; type=boolean; label=LLL:EXT:jira_service_desk/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_config.xlf:config.basic.adminAccessOnly
adminAccessOnly = 0

# cat=basic//; type=string; label=LLL:EXT:jira_service_desk/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_config.xlf:config.basic.serviceDeskId
serviceDeskId = 1

# cat=basic//; type=string; label=LLL:EXT:jira_service_desk/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_config.xlf:config.basic.serviceDeskUrl
serviceDeskUrl = https://path-to-my-jira.tld/