What does it do?

The extension enables you to show tt_address locations in responsive Leaflet maps. There are no registration and no API-keys necessary! You can do a radial search for locations and display them in a list and a responsive Leaflet map with infoWindows.

For the geocoding, the extension uses https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org which is limited to 1 request per second. This may change in the future...

In template AjaxSearch.html you can set other map types. You can find openstreetmap providers at http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/

A single view of the location is implemented, the ajaxSearchResultList items are linked to the single view which shows just a map with one marker. This can be used also to display just a map without doing a search when the locationUid is given in the constants of myleaflet with the constant editor of TYPO3.

What's new?

Marker icon sizes can be set with the constant editor. Categories are sorted by field sorting. Localization of catgories and tt_address records implemented. New configuration option "categorySelectMode" implemented -> see administratormanual. Mapicon handling changed. The directories fileadmin/ext/myleaflet/Resources/Public/Icons are created if they don't exist. Insert here your mapIcons. These icons can then be selected in the tt_address record (leafletmapicon). The templates AjaxSearch.html and Show.html changed.


MyLeafletMap (Map) result

Ajax Search Result Ajax Search List


Details View