Snippet Preview

Enable snippet preview on specific page types

By default, the snippet preview is only shown on pages with doktype 1 (Standard page) and 6 (Backend user section). You can add your own doktypes like the example below by adding a doktype to the $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['yoast_seo']['allowedDoktypes'] array.

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['yoast_seo']['allowedDoktypes']['blog'] = 137;

The key can be any unique string. It is only used to identify the doktype as a developer. The value contains the numeric value of the doktype.

Disable snippet preview with PageTs

Sometimes only a check on doktype isn’t enough for disabling the snippet preview. For example if you want to hide the snippet preview on detail pages of for example a news item, you need more than a check on a doktype. That is why you can also disable the snippet preview based on PageTs. Below an example to hide page if it is a subpage of page with id 4.

[PIDupinRootline = 4]
    mod.web_SeoPlugin {
        disableSnippetPreview = 1